About Manufacture de Lin
This store is integrated with the Western Bid™ e-commerce platform, and Western Bid, Inc. is the Merchant of Record for all purchases made in this store. Therefore, you will see "WESTERN BID" listed as the payee on your PayPal account and credit card statement.

We have been friends with each other since we met in 2001 when we were 16 years old. For a long time, it seemed that we were walking in the same direction but on different paths. We both decided early on to connect our lives with fashion; and later, we both graduated from the Fashion Design Institute in Kyiv. We worked in the fashion industry in different places for many years before fate finally brought our paths together again. We realised at that point that we shared many common values such as family, traditions, craft, friendship, humanity, inclusiveness and mutual support. These values are now the foundation of our business.
We believe in the tremendous power of the creative process; particularly when that creativity is shared by like-minded people who are willing to inspire, support and guide each other. When you work with a great team, something truly magical happens and even the greatest dreams can be achieved. We are so proud of our wonderful crew and we encourage and value their thoughts and ideas at every step. Now we walk along the path together. We are a family; not just a business.
Our desire is to collectively create apparel that is conscious, simple and beautiful; and which celebrates the unique qualities of the human body and spirit. Our clothes are sewn with love, for all of you. We don't make impractical garments that follow the trends of fast fashion. Our clothes are made to be worn every day, in easy to wear styles and colorful linens that ultimately make you feel good. We hope that they will remain your wardrobe allies for a lifetime and empower you to express that incredible person whom you truly are.
True beauty is like a butterfly, emerging from the human heart. At first it is fragile; but it grows stronger as it places its trust in its newly found wings. Then in dazzling grace, it flutters free, as it was truly intended; bringing warmth and wonder to all other hearts that it touches.